Monday, 21 March 2011

Day 77 - Weigh in 11 -Boooooooooooooo STS

Ok going to write this quickly today as its not good news.  I stepped on the scales this morning feeling good and stepped off feeling rubbish.  I had stayed the same, although the Wi said my BMI had reduced, so I may have lost a half pound, however the Wi scales only work in full pounds.  I am gutted, I pointed everything and stuck easily within my points, and only used 10 of my weeklies.  However rather a lot of points were made up from wine and not food, so I am guessing that that may have been the problem.  Oh well it was the kick I was expecting and it has happened now and I can cope with it, just not going to drink this week (much) and will try to drink lots more water and see what happens.

Crumpet with leerdammer slice

Tortilla wrap with crab
French fry crisps

Cod fillet with chilli and chorizo
Strawberries and pear


1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about it keep going I go by weight and how clothes fit as weight should not be everything your body can naturally fluctuate by 1 kg with fluid retention, it will be fine next week. My body has slowed to .5kg per week and that's ok by me and I am only weighing in about once a fortnight now and it takes the stress out of it!

    Keep up the good work :) x x
