Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Day 64 - Cleaner

Well after letting our cleaner go last week, when for 16 hours I was giving up work, I am a bit stuffed now, so decided today I had better do some.  I am not sure where she was cleaning but it certainly wasn't our house, because as i pulled out sofas and chairs I saw a horrid accumulation of dust, so spent nearly 3 hours just doing one room.  Oh well lets hope its as good as going to the gym.  Lottie loved it although I think polishing the cushions on the sofa (and not the leather ones) was going a little too far!

Went shopping and stocked up on lots of low fat goodies and snacks, and even thought I would try a WW tikka sauce and make a curry for dinner tonight.  Hubby really not impressed, and to be honest it wasn't that great, not nearly enough coconut cream or milk for my liking but I guess thats why its a WW. Did have a horrid shock at lunch time though, I had bought a WW quiche and saw that is was just 5.5 points so thought I would have a lovely lunch and have this with rocket and sweet chilli jam.  Imagine my horror when I pointed it and realised it was actually 9 pps, 5.5 was the old system, it definitely wasn't that tasty, oh well, live and learn.

Took Lottie to ballet and had tears in my eyes as she is really good and just loves it, even manages to look graceful which is something after all these years I still haven't mastered!

toast and 1 tsp peanut butter

ww quiche (couldn't allow myself anything else)

WW chicken tikka

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