Sunday, 27 March 2011

Day 83 - And Relax

another very energetic day on holiday but today I had decided that I would have a normal dinner and not worry too much about what I was eating and see how I would cope.  Had a great morning playing tennis, then a picnic with Rupert Bear (I didn't eat) then swimming in the afternoon and then dinner in the American diner!!! arrrrggghhhh, so going to be totally honest about what I have eaten, but also incredibly proud as it still fits within my daily and weekly points.

1 weetabix and skimmed milk

Tomato soup

3 onion rings
crab nachos
Chicken fajitas - although only ate 2 of 6 because I was way too full
3 glasses of wine

First time in 3 months I have eaten anyything remotely fattening, and it was weird because although it was quite nice it wasn't as amazing as I thought it was going to be and so wont be doing it again for another 3 months!!!

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