Friday, 25 March 2011

Day 81 - Center Parcs

Hurrah the day has finally arrive, we booked center parcs last September so that we could meet up with my cousin Janet and her family, ashamed to admit we haven't seen them since our wedding day, so to say I was excited was putting it mildly.  Well the drive was horrendous, what should have been 2.5 hours took 4, with a little one demading to know "are we there yet" 5 minutes after leaving home, and then saying she needed the toilet half way up the A46 with only a lay by to stop in, followed by Mummy demanding the same thing 10 miles later!  Poor Paul, oh well we are here now and it is fantastic, all the kids are getting on really well as are the parents, seems like we all met up yesterday, but I guess thats family for you.

Was very good with my eating all day, until I consumed a whole bottle of wine over dinner, however it is all in my points and I have done lots of walking so fingers crossed.

1 weetabix with skimmed milk

Flour tortilla with leerdammer cheese and sweet chili
french fry crips
1 pear

Half a filleted sea bass, no sauce with plain green salad, no dressing (sounds dull but it was yummy)
1 bottle of wine

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