Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Day 65 - Busy busy busy

Ok work is now busy again, but I am loving it, however it doesn't give me much time for thinking about eating, and so unfortunately I have not been eating enough this week and am down on points, which I know will show on the scales on Monday.  I was thinking of just eating chocolate or drinking wine to use up the points, but I am full and it seemed silly to just use them for the sake of it.  Have also been desk bound two days this week so that won't help with the activity levels, and am not going to be able to get to the gym tomorrow, arrrrgggghhhh
  Oh well what will be will be, just have to try and have an energetic weekend.

crumpet with one low fat cheese slice

chicken and sweetcorn soup
1 bag walkers french fry crisps

steamed haddock fillet
Butternut squash
homemade wasabi mayonnaise (very low fat of course)

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