Thursday, 17 March 2011

Day 73 - Lessons learnt with Lemon Grass

because I spotted fresh lemon grass at the farm shop yesterday I thought hmmmmm make something Thai so I bought it and some ginger and some chillis.  So today I looked up a WW recipe for Thai green curry and away I went, I thought it was a little strange that it said finely chop the lemon grass and not crush it and then take it out before eating, but I stuck to the recipe.  Well the taste was delicious but I am afraid to say the meal was inedible because the finely chopped pieces of lemon grass were like little sticks.  I refused to be beaten and spent ages picking them out, ate half of it and then gave up.  Next time I am definitely removing the offending items!

Must be beginning to look better as I am sure my butcher was flirting with me today.  Granted I must have been a bit strange as I was just on my way back from a meeting and was suited and booted with full make up, not the usual way I pitch up there.  Also just had to stop and buy some fish as not only was it lovely last week, but I remembered the fishmonger was quite hot, and yes I came to that conclusion again today, just don't tell Paul!! lol

Crumpet with honey

Prawn dumplings
Walkers french fry crips
Fruit salad

half a serving of Thai green curry
fun size crunchy!!! yipppppeeeee

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