Thursday, 17 March 2011

Day 72 - Feeling my Age!

Sorry folks for the lack of a posting yesterday, god I must really be feeling my age because quite simply, I forgot!

Had a very busy work day and caught up with an old client who took me out for lunch to one of my favourite Italians, however he is such a good friend/client that he really helped me by upfront saying he was having a salad and then ordering San Pellegrino instead of wine, what a sweety!?  I had a nicoise salad and loved it, but wasn't sure how to point it, I still struggle when I am out and can't see the nutritional values of something.  I didn't have the dressing and didn't eat all the potatoes and pointed it at 14 so hopefully that will have been enough.

Was nearly late for my meeting, which I never ever do, and why?  Because I couldn't decide what to wear and this time not because nothing fitted, but because suddenly I have things that DO fit.  I put on a jacket I haven't worn for 3 years and it looked fab, and I felt brilliant!  Loving this weight loss thing!

WW ginger and lemon cookies (I know not a great start)

Nicoisse salad, no dressing

Grilled salmon with lemon and soya sauce
Roasted butternut squash
Posh mushy peas

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