Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Day 57 - Needles

Had to take Lottie for her booster immunisations today, well when I say I did, I mean Paul actually took her in to see the nurse whilst I sat in the waiting room.  It was horrendous I heard her scream and start crying and it tore me apart.  It was over quickly and I know it had to be done but it still leaves you feeling dreadful.  So what did I do as a good Mummy, I gave her a sweetie to cheer her up! Not great considering it is things like this that probably contribute to people using food as rewards, oh well once won't hurt! and it worked it cheered her up.

Spent the day with a friend I hadn't seen for ages which was lovely, and then took my lovely girl to Ballet, although she could only dance with one arm as she said the other one hurt, poor little love. Lets hope she feels better tomorrow.

Toast with marmite

Butternut squash, chickpea and rocket salad

Cod wrapped in pancetta with posh mushy peas and gnocchi
Curly wurly

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