Thursday, 10 March 2011

Day 66 - Manx kippers

Imagine my delight when I went to our new fishmongers and there were manx kippers hanging up, fresh ones too, none of the plastic shrink wrapped nonsense.  Just had to buy some and lots more besides, I really seem to have gone back to fish, have always loved it, but stopped eating it much a few years ago as Paul doesn't really like it, well not any more, he can stick to meat, me I am on fish.

Bought allsorts at the farm shop today, I just love shopping for fresh fruit and veg, going to make soup with Charlotte tomorrow, my favourite at the moment is butternut squash and chilli, yum, yum, yum.

Worked really hard this afternoon and decided i deserved a glass of wine or two this evening, and before realising it have dipped into 7 of my weeklies, however i think I probably needed to.

Crumpet with low fat cheese slice

Wholemeal toast and humous
WW yoghurt

WW pizza
2 glasses of wine
Curly Wurly

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