Thursday, 31 March 2011

Day 87 - well done Janet

Went to work at a client's offices today that I hadn't been in to for 4 weeks and met up with my friend Janet who was one of the inspirations behind me starting WW in January.  She has now lost 4 stone and looks absolutely amazing.  Well the two of us stood in the kitchen exclaiming about how fab we both looked. I have found collar bones and she has found a waist! people must have thought we had gone mad.  I was on cloud nine all day, because of her success and because she made me feel so good.

I love working with this client because it is alway so busy that I never have a minute to feel hungry, and it is the only office I know where absolutely everyone is healthy, no desk is without a bottle of water, and everyone compares soups or salads at lunch time.  Sounds horribly dull, but I won the prize for most interesting salad!

Rice crispy square

Rocket, chick pea, chilli, mushroom, butternut squash, green beans, asparagus and leerdammer light salad

Sea bass fillet
posh mushy peas
glass of wine

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