Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Day 71 - Will Power

So Lottie was having her friends Issy and Conner over for lunch today and she decided she wanted a picnic with sandwiches, little sausages, cheese, breadsticks etc, arrrrggghhhh.  I actually had to lay everything out for her and then go and eat my little prawn dumplings.  I must be getting better at this though because I have to say it actually wasn't that hard and I felt very virtuous afterwards.

I also ran around after all the children and so felt I had done lots of activity.  Then Paul surprised us by coming home from work a little earlier than usual, which was fab as it meant I could head off to the gym.  Worked really hard and can already feel myself aching!

Lottie told me I was getting smaller today, which brought a lump to my throat, finally someone has noticed!

Toast and leerdammer light slice

Steamed prawn dumplings

Stirfry turkey teryaki and mushrooms with gnocchi
1 meringue nest with mandarin segments and sugar free jelly

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